About Ms. Wynn

My photo
Whether the topic is family relationships, romantic relationships or building an empire. Thru one on one coaching I share tools for VISION & CLARITY that have worked for me and my clients worldwide; Where a firm belief that fulfilling your dreams is a very real path for YOU. ...lets create it together!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

6 Steps to 5,000 VALUABLE Facebook Friends-in 30 Minutes A Day

A new cost efficient program to make Facebook a MARKETING MUST for anyone wanting to increase clients and customers by at least 50%.
 CLICK HERE to see how FB is compared to the 3rd largest country!
Now those are numbers we ALL should be connecting with!  

The only place I market my businesses is on facebook.  That is where 100% of my leads now come from, including offers for radio spots, tv shows and speaking events...THIS is why I created  the "6 Steps to 5000 VALUABLE Facebook Friends in 30 minutes a day" program

“6 Steps to 5,000 VALUABLE 
Facebook Friends-in 30 Minutes A Day"

Learn how to "humanize" your business by creating TRUST in an increasingly UNTRUSTING WORLD!

Now let’s have some fun watching our numbers skyrocket!

Here's what you can expect from following the  “6 Steps to 5,000 VALUABLE Facebook Friends-in 30 Minutes A Day” program:

*Approx 400 friends in one month.  Remember, not everyone will accept your friend request so numbers will fluctuate.  

*Loyal clients and devoted “watchers” of your posts

*5,000 friends within a year with little effort and HUGE financial return from start to finish

*Invitation to my private "Creative Marketing for FASTER Results" Facebook group

*Additional secrets to market yourself on Facebook

*Answers to questions like "HOW to Post and WHAT to post" and "Now you've got 2,000 friends, what's next?"

$99 is the SPECIAL SOFT LAUNCH offer.  During the soft launch I am also including a PRIVATE 30 minute coaching call for free (plus the .pdf file and membership to my private Facebook group)

With your payment you will receive:

* .pdf file of the "6 Steps to 5,000 VALUABLE Facebook Friends-in 30 Minutes A Day" program  

* An invitation to my PRIVATE facebook group "Creative Marketing for FASTER Results"  

* An email to schedule your one on one coaching call with VICTORIA WYNN to customize the program to YOUR business!

Victoria attended Woodbury University in Southern California with a focus in marketing and graphic design.  Disney Pictures caught wind of her talent at 19, hiring her in the marketing department as a designer.  Now 37 with more clarity on her life than ever, Victoria's bottom line is creating and teaching connection to business owners, teens, singles, and woman, through seminars, retreats, and speaking engagements.

Questions? Comments? Feedback?
 EMAIL VICTORIA WYNN at victoriawynn@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What's love got to do with it...

Well, I took a little time off from this blog due to being thrown off by this whacky thing called love that kinda hit me over the head like a brick  :D  Sorry, sweet boyfriend, but thats what it was like at first!   I seriously considered blogging about the crazy, fearful, exciting, and invigorating journey of falling for someone...and thought better of it due to a promise to myself about not bringing any romances into my very public life.  Trusting and embracing someone into my world is kind of like jumping off a cliff and not knowing if there's anything safe to catch me!
 I noticed that I used to only let people in "so" far, always protecting my heart.

I'm updating and writing this blog because I don't feel I'm crossing any "privacy" lines by merely "sharing" (eh hem) a piece of the new world I've entered into  :D

I think its time to post a question that I don't see discussed often.  I'd love your thoughts and comments!!

So we've been dating 2 months: Would I be coming on too strong if I showed my BOYFRIEND the WEDDING INVITES and CUSTOM CAKE I designed?    

hehehe, juuuuuust kidding  :D

                                Where does jealousy END and domineering START?  Whats healthy and what crosses the line?!  Coming from a past unhealthy relationship I have strong feelings on the topic.  I remember being 18 and thinking:  "aaahhh, isn't it so cute that I'm NOT "allowed" to have male friends anymore...he must love me so much".     uhk!!  What was I thinking?!!   lol

Post below!  Lucky for me I'm in a healthy relationship, but I wasn't always!  What are your experiences, whats healthy and NOT SO HEALTHY to you?